Encourage Crossword Clue 2 Words

Embark on a captivating journey with “encourage crossword clue 2 words,” a phrase that sparks curiosity and invites us to delve into the enigmatic world of crosswords and the nuances of encouragement.

As we unravel the meaning of “encourage” in crossword puzzles, we’ll explore its synonyms and antonyms, discover intriguing examples of its usage, and delve into the cultural significance and etymology of this versatile word.


In the context of a crossword clue, “encourage” refers to providing support, motivation, or inspiration to someone or something. It involves instilling confidence, promoting positive action, or offering encouragement to foster growth or progress.

Synonyms for “encourage” include: motivate, inspire, stimulate, hearten, embolden, cheer, and bolster. Antonyms include: discourage, dishearten, deter, and intimidate.

To provide a more comprehensive understanding, here are some detailed examples of how “encourage” can be used in crossword clues:

  • “Give a pep talk”– Encourage
  • “Inspire confidence”– Encourage
  • “Provide motivation”– Encourage
  • “Offer support”– Encourage
  • “Promote growth”– Encourage

Usage in Crosswords: Encourage Crossword Clue 2 Words

Crossword constructors frequently use “encourage” as an answer due to its common usage and versatility in cluing.

Clues for “encourage” can take various forms, often hinting at its meaning of providing support or motivation.

Examples of Crossword Clues

  • “Give a pep talk”
  • “Cheer on”
  • “Boost morale”
  • “Instill confidence”

Related Terms

To fully understand the concept of “encourage,” it’s helpful to explore related terms that share similar or overlapping meanings.

Here’s a comparative table highlighting the nuances between “encourage” and other relevant terms:

Comparison Table

Term Meaning Connotation
Encourage Instilling confidence or hope; providing support or motivation. Positive, supportive, uplifting.
Motivate Providing a reason or incentive to act; driving action. Stimulating, compelling, engaging.
Inspire Evoking a sense of awe, admiration, or creativity; sparking ideas or actions. Awe-inspiring, transformative, visionary.
Persuade Convincing someone to adopt a particular viewpoint or take an action. Convincing, persuasive, influential.

Cultural Significance

Encouragement, the act of instilling confidence and support, transcends cultural boundaries, playing a pivotal role in shaping human behavior and societal values.

In many cultures, encouragement is deeply ingrained in the fabric of social interactions, with individuals offering words of support and affirmation to motivate others. In Eastern cultures, for example, the concept of “amae,” which refers to the emotional bond between individuals, includes a strong element of encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Examples of Encouragement in Different Cultures, Encourage crossword clue 2 words

  • In Western cultures, encouragement is often expressed through direct praise, positive feedback, and tangible rewards, such as monetary incentives or recognition.
  • In African cultures, encouragement is often conveyed through proverbs, storytelling, and community rituals that emphasize the importance of perseverance and resilience.
  • In indigenous cultures, encouragement is often intertwined with spiritual beliefs and practices, with elders and shamans providing guidance and support to younger members of the community.


The word “encourage” traces its roots back to the Old French term “encourager,” which itself evolved from the Latin “incoraggiare.” The Latin verb “cor” means “heart,” and “in” means “into.” Thus, “incoraggiare” literally translates to “to put heart into.” Over time, the meaning of the word has shifted slightly, from its original sense of “to give courage” to its modern usage of “to inspire or motivate.”

The evolution of the word’s meaning reflects a broader cultural shift in the understanding of motivation and human behavior. In the medieval period, courage was seen as a virtue that could be instilled through external means, such as exhortation or example.

By the 18th century, however, the Enlightenment had fostered a new emphasis on individual agency and the power of reason. As a result, the concept of encouragement came to be associated more with inspiring intrinsic motivation rather than simply instilling courage.


The infographic illustrates the different ways “encourage” can be used in crosswords. It shows how the word can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective, and provides examples of each usage.

The table summarizes the key points of the article. It includes information on the definition of “encourage,” its usage in crosswords, and its related terms.

The infographic is a visual representation of the different ways “encourage” can be used in crosswords. It is designed to help crossword solvers understand how the word can be used in different contexts.

The table is a summary of the key points of the article. It is designed to provide crossword solvers with a quick and easy way to learn about the word “encourage.”

FAQ Overview

What does “encourage” mean in a crossword clue?

Encourage means to inspire, support, or give confidence to someone.

What are some synonyms for “encourage”?

Motivate, inspire, bolster, and hearten.

Can you give an example of a crossword clue that uses “encourage”?

A clue like “Give someone a pep talk” could have “ENCOURAGE” as the answer.